Volodymyr Yermolenko

Ukraine in histories and stories. Essays by ukrainian intellectuals Volodymyr Yermolenko (Edit.) - Primera edición - Lima K.I.S. 2019 - 304páginas Contiene dibujos 20.5cm.

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Contents: Preface. Introduction. HISTORIES: Ukraine: A brief but Global History of Ukrainian Bread.IDENTITIES: Ukrainian Culture and Literature. Archetypes: Steppe, Empire and Cruelty. STORIESs: Ukraine as a Movie. MOTHERLANDS: Majority as a Minority. PAINS. Donbas - Ukraine, a Life Journey. RELATIONS: Ukrainian-Polish realtions, interview with Ola Hnatiuk and Ukrainians and Jews, interview with Leonid Finberg. STEREOTYPES: Neither Admiration Nor Fear: Stereotypes about Ukraine in Germany and Insecure Security of Ukraine.


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