Milgram, Avraham

The Holocaust. Frequently asked questions Avraham Milgram & Robert Rozett - Jerusalem Keterpress Enterprises 2016 - 44 páginas ; fotografías , mapas ; 24 cm.

En inglés.

No incluye referencias bibliográficas.

"Contenido: What is the Holocaust? -- Why is the Holocaust so important to us? Is the Holocaust a singular event in history? -- Who were other victims of Nazism? How was their fate similar to and different from the fate of the Jews? -- When and how did the Nazis come to power? -- How did the Nazis treat the Jews during the first years after the came to power? -- What was Kristallnacht? -- How did the Jews in Nazi Germany respond to their persecution before the war? -- Why couldn't more Jews leave Europe before the war began? -- To wich countries did the Jews of the Reich emigrate before the outbreak of the war? -- When and how did the NAzis decide to murder the Jews under their control? -- What were the largest ghettos, how many Jews were concentrated in them, and when were they liquidated? -- What conditions prevailed in the ghettos? -- How did the Jews cope with the conditions in the ghettos? -- What were the Einsatzgruppen, and what their role in the murder of the Jews? -- Which German units took part in the murder of the Jews? -- What were the gas vans? When and where they used? --Who built the gas chambers? What kind of gas was used to kill Jews there, and who provided it? -- What were the concentration camps? When did they start to function, and what was their purpose? What were the extermination camps? When did they start to function, and what was their purpose? -- What were the death marches? -- What role did German-dominated governments play in the murder of Jews? -- How did the Nazis try to hide their atrocities? -- When did the world learn about the Holocaust? How did information reach the free world? -- Why didn't the Allies bomb Auschwitz-Birkenau? -- What were the Jewish Councils (Judenrate)? -- How did Jews resist the Nazis' murderous assault? -- What was the nature of Jewish armed resistance? -- Are there instances during the Holocaust where Jews under Nazi domination rescued other Jews? -- Who are the Righteous Among the Nations? -- What were the displaced persons (DP) camps, and how many Jews resided in them after the war? -- What is Holocaust denial? -- How was the murder of the Jews humanly possible?

Resumen: El tema del Holocausto surge con frecuencia en debates públicos y privados. Puesto que el holocausto ocurrió hace 60 años y abarcó a muchos países y a miles de personas, hoy no todo el mundo está plenamente familiarizado con todos los hechos que lo rodean. Diseñado por YAd Vashem y publicado en conjunto con la Knesset, las preguntas y respuestas presentadas en este volumen fácil de usar brindan una introducción a personas de todos los orígenes que buscan actualizar o enriquecer su conocimiento sobre el Holocausto."


Holocausto judío (1939-1945)

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